Thursday, March 18, 2010

Key Performance Indicators

Online Channel KPIs:

I went through an article regarding the KPIs and could not resist writing the same.

The Web Analytics KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) focuses on measuring the Business’s Online Campaign/Marketing activities.
There are three types of online Campaign/Marketing activities you can measure: 
Online Campaigns KPIs (These include Pay per Click Campaigns, affiliate marketing, Portal/Content marketing, banners etc.)
  1. Quantity and Source (Channels) of new traffic from online campaigns.
  2. Click-through Rate (CTR) for each campaign. A CTR is the ratio of the "number of users who clicked on an ad" on a web page by the "number of times the ad was delivered" (impressions).
  3. Bounce Rate of each Campaign. It essentially represents the percentage of initial visitors to a site who "bounce" away to a different site, rather than continue on to other pages within the same site. It is calculated as the ratio of Total Number of Visits Viewing One Page to the Total Number of  Visits
  4. Session Conversion rate and Average Order Value for each campaign. The higher these metrics, more effective is the Campaign.
  5. ROI (Return on Investment) or CPM (Cost per Mille) for each Campaign.
Key Insights for Online Campaign KPIs:
If the CTR is low, there is some navigation problem: The Campaign content should improve. If the bounce rate is high, the content and look and feel of the landing page(s) should be improved. If the Session conversion rate and ROI are low and your cost-per-acquisition is high, the campaign is not suitable for the targeted mass. Either it should be taken off or more promotions should be made.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) KPIs
  1. Quantity and Nature of traffic got from each of the keywords chosen to focus on for optimization.
  2. The average rank of the keywords on the search result pages across all search engines.
  3. The conversion rate for each keyword.
  4. % Search Exits, % Search Refinements, Search Depth, Total Unique Searches
  5. Keywords which rank low on the search result pages while at the same time contributing with many visits.
Key Insights for SEO KPIs:
The SEO functionality in the Website needs to be further improved if the average positions of the meta/content keywords are low.
Try replacing existing low conversion keywords into potentially most effective keywords. Bid for the effective keywords in the PPC’s.
Optimize the site with suitable usage of keywords in the HTML (as meta tags) , Page Title, Content ,Labels etc.

E-mail Marketing KPIs
  1. Number of emails sent.
  2. Number of emails which could not be delivered.
  3. The open rate for each delivered email.
  4. Click to Open (CTO) Rate for each email.
  5. The conversion rate and/or ROI for each email.
  6. Unsubscribe Rate
Key Insights for Email Marketing KPIs:
If the CTO is low, the subject matter in the email should be improved. If the unsubscribe rate is high, the news articles should be improved.

The above metrics on an aggregate level could be classified as Marketing KPIs, Engagement KPIs, Usability KPIs, Conversion KPIs and Loyalty KPIs.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Debjit,

    Quite intuitive.. I do have a similar experience.Lets collaborate.
